Tuesday 24 June 2014


Official! 'God's Creativity' by Akande David Oluwadamilola (D-Plus). If you believe that you are created in God's image and that you are fearfully and wonderfully made, this poem is for you. A very big thank you to Ayanfeoluwa Ogunade, God used you as my source of inspiration for this poem.

‘God’s creativity’

 Your beauty is so natural

Your love, exceptional

I feel your courage so motivational

I see your smile, emotional

Your spoken words are inspirational

Your dimple is captivational

Your connection, wow! International

Your eye balls, visional

Your shining dark skin, radiational

Your loving heart, hmm, supernatural

I wish to make you mine, personal

Your hospitality so accomodational

I thank God for creating you so ORIGINAL


                            Akande David

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