Wednesday 6 April 2016

Where is the milk? Where is the honey? by Akande David

‘’Where is the milk? Where is the honey?”
A land,
With milk and honey she flowed like it was at Canaan
Beautiful  flowers surround her territory
 Green plants growing on fertile soil
Comfortable atmosphere that makes everyone
Feel good
Sweet economy like honey
Citizens with pure heart like morning dew
The rich
The powerful
The mighty hands that oppress
They impose force labour on citizens who
Work like the Israelites under king pharaoh of Egypt
Great exploitation all in the name of tax
The masses worked like elephant but reap like ants
Peace, Joy, Comfort, where hath thou?
If thou hath asleep wake up from your slumber
The milk and honey of the land is a national inheritance
We are now slaves in our own land
Where is the milk? Where is the honey?
The milk is now bad
The honey has loosed its taste
The nationalist are asleep
The alters utter heresy and the clergy are less concerned
They are blind folded by political aspirations
Where is the stream of hope?
What does the future looks like?
When the milk and honey are gone
My people! My people!
Where is the milk? Where is the honey?
                                                                                            Akande David

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