Thursday, 21 August 2014


Don't cry about now

today may be painful

tomorrow will be gainful 

forget who you are now 

think of who you can be 

doubt not your ability 

re-brand your thoughts

far is the journey

vision will take you there

don't kill your inner man

he is the right man                                 
                        Akande David 

Thursday, 7 August 2014


The time is now
Discover yourself now
Your mind is a treasure, explore it now
That little idea can fetch you billions, use it now
Think right now
He needs your help, help him now
She is tired of life, encourage her now
You are not born empty, think big now
You love her truly, tell her now
He doesn’t add value to you, leave him now
Don’t procrastinate, do it now
No one is better than you, believe in yourself now
Don’t be afraid, stand firm now
The time is now
Give your life to Christ now
                                                 Akande David


Oh Rain! Who are you?
Who is your father?
Do you have a mother?
What about your siblings?

Whenever your season comes,
You give joy to peasants
You soften our land,
You bring cool breeze,
Children enjoy and play in your showers,

Oh Rain!
Why do you bring flood?
You destroy our shelter, why?
Your brothers wind and thunder scares us, why?
Oh Rain!
Your world is a mystery,
A sweet bitter nature

Oh Rain!
Your gentle breeze comfort me
Your downpour sends me to wonderland
Oh Rain!
                                                         Akande David